Russia was not preordained to despotism nor to a clash with the West. So how did things go so wrong?
Cold War
Russia Isolated in Its Postimperial Phantasm
From a strategic point of view, Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has thrown back Russia to its weakest position since World War II.
Putins paranoider Krieg gegen Geschichte
Da sein Geschichtsverständnis höchst selektiv und politisch verzerrt ist, ist Putins Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen, zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Putin’s War on History
Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the past is consuming thousands of lives, wreaking destruction on Ukraine and threatening Russia’s own future.
For Poland, Promises of Riches Awaits as Eastern Border’s Destitute Look West
When Poland flings open its western border to the EU, the back door to the east will slam shut, leaving Belarus and Ukraine in a geopolitical gray zone.
Arms Control: When Biden Takes Office, Clock Will Be Ticking To Save New START Treaty
“The danger is that to get to the point of a new détente, we may have to go through a period when it will be pretty scary, and we are not there yet.”
Putin And Biden Signal Chilly Relations To Come
“Putin doesn’t count on personal relations with American leaders. Today he only counts on the intersection of interests.”
Many Russians Today Take Pride In Afghan War That Foretold Soviet Demise
“The situation is changing dramatically in regards to the deployment of troops to Afghanistan,” said veteran Sergei Morozov. “Those who fought are being looked up to again.”
What Trump’s Threat To End A U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Treaty Means For Putin
“For Russia’s military-industrial complex and security services, the INF Treaty was always like a bullfighter’s red cape; it symbolized the country’s defeat in the Cold War.”
Latest Collateral Damage In U.S.-Russia Spat: An Anglo-American School Is Shut
One-hundred-forty schoolchildren in St. Petersburg became the latest victims of the chill in U.S.-Russian relations when they were forced out of their school.