If Russia is ever to become a country that seeks peace with its neighbors, then such a future depends on its young people.
Why Isn’t Russia a Democracy?
Russia was not preordained to despotism nor to a clash with the West. So how did things go so wrong?
Putin Should Pay One More Visit to Kiev
Everyone I’ve talked to resents Putin’s two visits to campaign for Yanukovych but goes to great lengths to explain how warm their feelings for Russia are.
Putins paranoider Krieg gegen Geschichte
Da sein Geschichtsverständnis höchst selektiv und politisch verzerrt ist, ist Putins Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen, zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Putin’s War on History
Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the past is consuming thousands of lives, wreaking destruction on Ukraine and threatening Russia’s own future.
5 Views From Belarus On The Country’s Political Crisis
“We now joke that Belarus is even farther north than North Korea. We’re living under the conditions of a real fascist regime.”
Roma Battle Stereotypes, Seek Political Unity
“It is a growing trend for young, educated Roma to keep their identity. This is very helpful for the rest of the community. They are people to be proud of.”
For Poland, Promises of Riches Awaits as Eastern Border’s Destitute Look West
When Poland flings open its western border to the EU, the back door to the east will slam shut, leaving Belarus and Ukraine in a geopolitical gray zone.
Fighting Between Armenia And Azerbaijan Threatens To Spiral Into Full-Blown War
“This conflict could send ripples through the entire North Caucasus region and affect all major players, including Russia and Turkey.”
What To Do With Toppled Statues? Russia Has A Fallen Monument Park
“The Russian experience should give some food for thought to those who are engaged in toppling statues in the U.S. these days.”