Da sein Geschichtsverständnis höchst selektiv und politisch verzerrt ist, ist Putins Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen, zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Putin’s War on History
Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the past is consuming thousands of lives, wreaking destruction on Ukraine and threatening Russia’s own future.
‘The Wound Is Very Deep’: Azerbaijanis And Armenians In Russia Long For Peace
“Both Azerbaijanis and Armenians understand that young men are dying. There is no need for war; war is there where there is no God.”
Russia Sets Rampart Against Islam in Case It Runs Rampant
“The Russians were here before, they’re here now, and they will be here in the future. To us it makes no difference who stands there, Tajiks or Russians.”
Bringing Peace to Tajikistan’s Mountain Fiefdoms
In the mountains of Tajikistan, allegiances are based on localities and clans, many affiliated with neither the government nor the opposition.
Excavation Of Lithuania’s Great Synagogue Highlights A ‘Painful Page’ From History
For decades, the principals at a boxy, two-story kindergarten in Vilnius unwittingly pored over their lesson plans a few feet above one of the city’s most sacred sites.
Rights Advocates Warn Russian Domestic Abuse Law Will ‘Protect The Oppressor’
“The law mentions one blow, but with one blow, you can kill someone,” said the young mother. “What kind of husbands will we have with that law?”
Bordering on War
For Putin, the Russian jet is the third downed plane to warn of the unintended consequences of armed intervention in a little more than a year.
Germany’s Anti-Immigrant PEGIDA Isn’t a Vladimir Putin Plot. It’s Scarier.
What’s most striking about the movement is not the radicalism, but the ordinariness, of the people it attracts.
The Charlie Hebdo Effect
While politicians call for tolerance and calm, an increasing number of Germans see a gap with their elected officials, especially on hot-button issues like immigration.