NATO and the EU raised membership expectations without ever intending to follow through. As a result, Ukraine became vulnerable to Russian revanchism.
Why Isn’t Russia a Democracy?
Russia was not preordained to despotism nor to a clash with the West. So how did things go so wrong?
Russia Isolated in Its Postimperial Phantasm
From a strategic point of view, Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has thrown back Russia to its weakest position since World War II.
Putins paranoider Krieg gegen Geschichte
Da sein Geschichtsverständnis höchst selektiv und politisch verzerrt ist, ist Putins Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen, zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Putin’s War on History
Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the past is consuming thousands of lives, wreaking destruction on Ukraine and threatening Russia’s own future.
Putin’s Colossal Intelligence Failure
The main difference between Ukraine and Russia is that Ukrainians have become citizens of their own country, while Russians remain subjects of their ruler.
Fighting Between Armenia And Azerbaijan Threatens To Spiral Into Full-Blown War
“This conflict could send ripples through the entire North Caucasus region and affect all major players, including Russia and Turkey.”
‘Tightening The Screws’: Belarus’ Lukashenko Shows No Sign Of Bending To Protests
“It’s become scary because they can go after you simply for things like the color of your clothes.It’s like George Orwell’s 1984.”
Facing The Biggest Challenge Ever To His Power, Lukashenko Looks To Russia For Help
Alexander Lukashenko is spinning a narrative of a beleaguered underdog facing hostile forces that only Vladimir Putin has the power to stop.
The Stakes For Ukraine Are High In Monday’s Summit Between Putin And Zelenskiy
“The strategic goal of Russia is a weak, chaotic Ukraine. If you accept that as their goal, you can understand the logic of Russian behavior.”