NATO and the EU raised membership expectations without ever intending to follow through. As a result, Ukraine became vulnerable to Russian revanchism.
Arms Control: When Biden Takes Office, Clock Will Be Ticking To Save New START Treaty
“The danger is that to get to the point of a new détente, we may have to go through a period when it will be pretty scary, and we are not there yet.”
Putin And Biden Signal Chilly Relations To Come
“Putin doesn’t count on personal relations with American leaders. Today he only counts on the intersection of interests.”
How U.S. Military Aid Has Helped Ukraine Since 2014
“Defense sector corruption did not concern security assistance. It was about looting money from the Ukrainian defense budget — Ukrainian money.”
GOP Lawmakers Hope Russia Visit Sets Stage For ‘New Day’ Ahead Of Trump-Putin Summit
“Russia and the U.S. and the world will be a lot better off if we improve our relationship,” said Sen. Richard Shelby. “Perhaps it won’t be a utopia. Most marriages are not utopia.”
In Russia, France’s Macron Tries His Next Charm Offensive On ‘Cher Vladimir’
“He is trying to position France again as a global power, not a European power, and of course in this situation contacts to Putin are pretty indispensable.”
In Moscow’s Local Elections, Opponents Of Putin Find A Glimmer Of Hope
“There’s a huge demand among young people to go into politics, and there’s an understanding of how to do it.”
What Putin Wants From His G-20 Meeting With President Trump
Clinton, Bush and Obama first met their Russian counterparts at full-scale bilateral summits. Trump is different.
The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and Newsweek have all used “bromance” to describe the unlikeliest twist in the troubled US-Russian relationship.
NATO Is Having an Existential Crisis
“We’re vulnerable to bullshit thrown in the fan,” an eastern European diplomat said, requesting anonymity so as to speak undiplomatically.