Everyone I’ve talked to resents Putin’s two visits to campaign for Yanukovych but goes to great lengths to explain how warm their feelings for Russia are.
Putins paranoider Krieg gegen Geschichte
Da sein Geschichtsverständnis höchst selektiv und politisch verzerrt ist, ist Putins Versuch, die Welt neu zu ordnen, zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Putin’s War on History
Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the past is consuming thousands of lives, wreaking destruction on Ukraine and threatening Russia’s own future.
Putin’s Colossal Intelligence Failure
The main difference between Ukraine and Russia is that Ukrainians have become citizens of their own country, while Russians remain subjects of their ruler.
The Human Cost of Putin’s War
For the first time in my 25-year career as a journalist, I broke down in tears at the news.
Potemkin Village
As a friend and I sat on one of Moscow’s ubiquitous summer verandas one evening, quaint trams trundled by. For a moment, it almost felt like Prague.
The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and Newsweek have all used “bromance” to describe the unlikeliest twist in the troubled US-Russian relationship.
In Putin’s Russia, No Difference Between Doping and Duping
Russia’s doping scandal is only the symptom of a much larger problem.
What Brexit Looks Like to the Rest of Europe
A colleague from Poland advised his British-born wife to get a Polish passport. It was high time to make some coffee.
How NATO Really Provoked Putin
From the Kremlin’s point of view, it’s infinitely worse to be ignored than to be considered a worthy rival.